Philippines Stuffed Animal Charity

Make Christmas wishes come true in the Philippines.

We need your help! Please donate stuffed animals!

lee james floral, christ church unity, phillipines stuffed animal charity

Photo via EPA

Lee James Floral hand in hand with Christ Church Unity are asking for stuffed animals. Please help me and Christ Church Unity to bring a bit of Christmas cheer to those in the Philippines that had been devastated by the resent storm. We will be making gift boxes for the children for Christmas to include a stuffed toy we are collecting to put a little bit of cheer on their faces. Thank you all for your time and kindness and we look very forward to putting a smile on as many little faces as possible.

lee james floral, Christ church unity, Phillipines stuffed animal charity

You can drop off the stuffed animals at:
Lee James Floral
1249 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 897-5300
9am – 5pm Monday – Friday

From the bottom of my heart. Thank you,


Lee James